When times were hard last year my friend Fran was amazingly kind and for a time I lived with her in her tiny "microflat." It could have been stressful to live in such close proximity, but actually we had a lovely time which we both look back on with nostalgia. Shortly after I moved in, Fran got a job in her native Cambridge and moved away, so I took over the flat.I really cannot imagine how things would have been if Fran hadn't stepped in to share her little haven in Hotwells. Such kindness deserved a gift which was straight from the heart.and which told her that she will always have a home with me in Bristol any time she wants to visit. I made this little bag, filled it with home comforts, and embroidered it with "Fran's home from home" so she can take it with her wherever she goes and know she will have the essentials.
Here's the result: